Facial Rejuvenation Applications (Anti-Aging)


PRP, or Platelet Rich Plasma (Platelet/Platelet Enriched Plasma) method, was first developed 15 years ago after stomatologists (Dental surgeons) sought a solution to prevent the fall of titanium implants placed in the elderly in a short time due to weakened gums. Such a material had to be produced that when this material was placed on the gingiva, the soft area should be strengthened and be able to hold the implant. This strengthening substance also had to be accepted by the body and not be eliminated from the body over time. After centrifuging the blood, they coagulated it and allowed it to turn into a hard gel. The first use of centrifuged blood began many years ago in Japan, and later in Spain and America.

PRP is a medical application. It should only be done by doctors. After examining the patient, the doctor takes a small amount of blood into small tubes containing a special gel and applies the centrifugation process. At the end of this process, the blood in the tubes is separated into its components: that is, the part of this blood, which contains approximately 200,000 platelets in each milliliter, is separated from the red cells, thus a gel with a platelet density of up to 1.5 million per milliliter is obtained. This is called PRP. Platelets have functions related to blood coagulation, but they also secrete growth factors that are capable of healing a tissue injury. Therefore, the PRP obtained from the centrifuged blood, that is, the part with plenty of platelets, either by mesotherapy method or by making it into a mask, face, neck, hair, etc. is applied to the desired area. Thus, natural growth factors that will reverse the effects of tissue damage or aging are given to the desired area.

Actually, there are two different blood products obtained by the proposed method; one is PRP and the other is thrombin serum. These are obtained with two different tubes. The PRP tube contains a substance that prevents blood from clotting. In the other tube, on the contrary, there is thrombin, which enables the blood to clot and allows these platelets to be used as fillers. When these two are used together, the regenerative effect on the skin emerges more strongly.

In other words, filler is made from your own blood and applied to the basic folds and fine lines of the face.

Fillers containing hyaluronic acid last for 6-8 months. Filled PRP is produced from your own blood and triggers a biological process that starts a countdown against skin aging in the filled area! In other words, it not only replenishes, but also sends support to the region that has weakened its defenses and succumbed to the abrasive effects of time or the environment.

Is PRP a type of stem cell therapy?

PRP is not a stem cell treatment. However, it works indirectly on stem cells. Growth factors in platelets are stimuli that transmit the message to skin cells to produce fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are also key structures for producing collagen and elastin. Therefore, Regenkit PRP indirectly works with stem cells by increasing the number of platelets that initiate this whole process, because the fibrin networks formed in the skin after the filler application also collects the stem cells in the environment in its own structure. In addition, in recent years, plastic surgeons have started to apply fat injection by mixing the PRP obtained with the blood taken from the patient during the fat injection operations into the fat taken from the patient. This increases the possibility of holding the given oil. Again, tummy tuck, face lift,

Does PRP have any side effects or risk of infection?

If the right kit is used (Regenkit), there is no risk and no side effects. Because Regenkit is a kit that includes a disposable injection and tube for each session. It is extremely safe. There can be no side effects either, because what is taken from you is given back to you, only to you.

What are the visible results of PRP?

The skin looks brighter and more vibrant. The sun and age spots that we encounter especially in the face area soften, and there is an improvement in the under-eye area bags and purple color changes. Fine lines soften. People say, “You look so young. Did you have plastic surgery?” they may ask. However, PRP, which is a very natural method, only gives you back what you already have in a stronger way. This is your skin’s defense mechanism. Another good thing is that the effects of PRP are also seen around the application area. For example, your hair will come to life when you have it done on the face.

What kind of protocol is followed in PRP applications? How many sessions are needed to get results? Applied PRP applied with mesotherapy is done 3-4 sessions at 15-day intervals. After 8-10 months, another 3-4 session cure is done. There is another protocol in which filling and mesotherapy are applied together, in which 3 sessions of PRP are applied with 21-28 day intervals. Six months later, the doctor checks his patient. If the patient is in the menopause period or has bad habits such as smoking and alcohol, the doctor may need to do 1 more cure. If the person takes good care of himself, takes care of his health and protects his skin from UV rays, it is expected for 1 or even 2 years depending on the situation for the second cure.

As a matter of fact, there is a great interest in not only PRP but also in general with and without scalpel aesthetic applications in Korea and China. Because women in these countries have become obsessed with looking and staying young. Women in Japan, Korea and the Philippines are also very interested in such practices.

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