Breast Aesthetics Applications

Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery is an operation performed to make the appearance of the breasts more aesthetic in women, as well as to solve some health problems caused by large breasts.

These problems are back pain, pain in the wrists, excessive sweating under the breasts, rash and infection.

Extremely large breasts may be due to hereditary characteristics, hormonal reasons, being overweight or not being able to lose weight after pregnancy.

Excessively large breasts;

  • Posture disorder (humpback)
  • Back and neck pain
  • Numbness and loss of strength in the hands (due to compression of the hand-arm nerves in the shoulder)
  • Rash and bad odor under the breasts
  • On the shoulders due to the pressure of the bra straps
  • Psychosocial problems that can be experienced especially in young girls
  • Due to the large size of the breasts, it leads to the inability to perform activities such as sports and, accordingly, to obesity.

Breast reduction surgeries are performed after the breast has completed its development (must not have grown further in the last six months). However, there are some exceptions to this. In young girls with breast enlargement at puberty, surgery may be required before the development is complete so that normal psycho-social development is not affected.

The technique to be used in breast reduction surgery varies according to the size of the breasts. The following criteria should be considered when deciding on the technique:

  • The placement of the nipple and nipple circumference in its new higher position should not impair the nutrition and blood supply of these structures.
  • Techniques that protect the nipple sensation should be preferred.
  • According to the patient, the ability to give milk should be preserved.
  • When sufficient amount of breast tissue is removed, aesthetic breast shape should be created.

Breast Reduction Surgery After

Pregnancy Pregnancy causes serious changes in female physiology. In particular, the breast is affected by pregnancy in two ways; It mostly occurs with sagging after growth and breastfeeding. Today, gynecologists emphasize that the body will recover in an average of one year, and that this process should be assisted with appropriate exercise and diet rather than surgery. Pediatricians, on the other hand, explain the importance of breastfeeding more and recommend breastfeeding for one to one and a half years if possible. Breast surgery can be planned after breastfeeding has ended.

Surgery Process

The surgery is performed in a hospital setting and under general anesthesia. It takes 3-5 hours depending on the size of the breasts and the surgical technique to be applied. All tissue removed at the end of the operation is sent for pathological examination. If there is a previously unrecognized cyst or malignant formation in the removed tissue, it is caught at an earlier stage. In addition, since some of the breast tissue will be removed during reduction from large breasts, the risk of breast cancer is also reduced.

Healing Process

  • You are allowed to eat 4 hours after the operation. You can stand up after feeding. The hospital stay after the operation is 1-2 days.
  • Vacuum drains are used to collect blood and serum leaks that may occur in the operation area for the first few days. This drain is removed after 3-5 days, depending on the amount received.
  • It is beneficial to limit arm movements in the first days. There is a band surrounding the chest in the first week, it is removed in the first week and only thin bands are used to cover the suture lines. You can take a bath after the drains and bands are removed.
  • While the wound is healing, there will be some redness, swelling and itching in the suture lines. After a month or two, the suture marks begin to fade rapidly. In six months or a year, the scars become unnoticeable.
  • It is normal to have edema in the operation area. Lying in a semi-sitting position will relieve edema and pain more quickly. After you leave the hospital, you should start using a sports bra suitable for your new size, which wraps your non-wired chest well.

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