Hair transplant operation is a surgical intervention performed for people who have lost, thinned, burned, scarred or not congenital hair follicles in a section, etc., in order to restore hair growth to these areas.
First of all, hair analysis of the person is performed in hair transplantation operations. During this process, the problematic area is determined, the area of the person to be planted is drawn. Afterwards, the area where the newly planted hair follicles will be taken and which is not affected by the testosterone hormone (hair follicles between the two ears of the person) is determined, and this area is called the donor area. The hair follicles collected from here (fue method) are first lined up in special solutions and allowed to wait for a while. Afterwards, empty channels are opened at the right angle, direction and frequency for the hair follicles to be transplanted with a special tool to the problematic area. As a final operation, the previously collected hair follicles are transplanted into these empty channels one by one, and our hair transplant operation process comes to an end.
Hair transplantation operations are a meticulous type of operation that must be carried out in a hospital, in fully sterile operating rooms, under the control of a specialist doctor and completely by healthcare professionals.
The transplanted hair follicles are completely shed within an average of 1 month, and then it starts to grow again after the average 100th day. However, it takes about 8-12 months for all hair follicles to grow and adapt to the new tissue. However, during this period, it is necessary to pay attention to the transplanted hair, what the experts say should be strictly followed, the washing processes should be done perfectly, and hard blows should be strictly avoided.
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