What is facial mesotherapy (mesolift)?
In facial mesotherapy, drugs are mixed in small amounts and given directly into and under the skin. Thus, the skin can benefit from effective substances in a short time. In addition, since the drugs are given in very small amounts, the possibility of side effects of the substances used is reduced. Facial mesotherapy (mesolift) is a natural and beneficial method that renews the skin and is effective in skin wrinkles and skin sagging.
How is facial mesotherapy (mesolift) effective?
In the facial mesotherapy (mesolift) method, hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and amino acids that renew the skin are applied under the skin with tiny needles. Direct delivery of these beneficial substances to the skin and stimulation of the skin increase the production of collagen and elastin of the skin, moisture in the skin increases and the skin is renewed.
What are the reasons for using mesotherapy (mesolift) in the face area?
In facial mesotherapy (mesolift), the skin is cleaned and disinfected before the application. Anesthetic cream can be applied half an hour before the procedure. The mixture prepared in facial mesotherapy (mezolift) is given into or on the skin with very small and fine needles.
How does the skin look after facial mesotherapy (mesolift)?
After facial mesotherapy (mesolift), the skin looks fresher and rested. Elasticity of the skin increases and skin sagging decreases. Wrinkles are lightened. The skin becomes brighter.
How often is facial mesotherapy (mesolift) applied?
Facial mesotherapy (mesolift) is initially applied at intervals of 1-4 weeks. It can be repeated every 3-6 months after an average of 4-6 sessions. The results of facial mesotherapy (mesolift) begin to appear after the second session. After the treatment is over, the skin rejuvenation effect continues.
Can facial mesotherapy (mesolift) be applied together with other methods?
The application of facial mesotherapy (mesolift) together with laser, radiofrequency or IPL that renews the skin provides much more successful results. Performing facial mesotherapy (mesolift) before or after filling procedures provides serious removal of sagging on the skin.
What are the main ingredients used in facial mesotherapy (mesolift)?
To whom is facial mesotherapy (mesolift) not applied?
Facial mesotherapy (mezolift) is not applied to pregnant women, nursing mothers, those with active skin infections and those who are allergic to the applied substance. In addition, it cannot be the first and only treatment option for excessively sagging skin, deep scars and blemishes. It is more suitable to be used together with other treatment methods.
What side effects are seen in facial mesotherapy (mesolift)?
There are no significant side effects in facial mesotherapy (mesolift). There may be slight bruises one day after the procedure. It can be covered with makeup. Rarely, allergies or infections may occur. It is easily treated.
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