Laser Applications

Nicosia Laser Hair Removal

With the laser epilation service we offer at our Nicosia laser epilation center, you can get rid of unwanted hair effortlessly. Our professional estheticians will take care of you throughout the procedure. We offer the most effective method of laser epilation, which has been tried so far, to your service in our Nicosia laser epilation center. If there are still those who have not had laser epilation, which is also preferred by men in recent years, painless sessions and definitive results await you in our Nicosia laser epilation center, where we work with a focus on customer satisfaction.

Laser epilation is the process of removing unwanted hair from the body with ultraviolet light emitting devices. In fact, before knowing what laser hair removal is, it would be useful to have information about the basic developments of unwanted hair on the body, which is an important step for the method to be more effective. All the hairs in our body complete their development in 4 stages: early anagen, anagen, catagen, and telogen. Early anagen stage; It can be called the period when the roots begin to produce hair. anagen phase; It is the period of development and growth in the skin when the hairs produced are most active. The anagen period is the period when the hairs are most suitable for laser treatment. Catagen stage; by stopping the activity of living cells in the root and changing their structure, It is the period of rest. If the telogen phase; It is the last stage in which the hairs stop growing and are separated from the root and removed from the body.

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